Doctrine & Culture: Inside looking out & Outside looking in

This is a group for “youngish adults” (we don’t check ID at the door!) who want to dive a bit deeper into examining different doctrines & how they should affect the way we live our lives (Inside looking out) as well as various cultural issues and how the Church should engage & respond (Outside looking in).
We meet at 19:30 for food and aim to start the session by 8. The normal structure is an informal seminar followed by Q&A. The evening wraps up at about 21:30.
It is hosted by our Assistant Pastor but any member who wants to take a look at a particular subject will be encouraged and helped to prepare & lead a session. (You may also just request a session if you don’t feel up to that!)
This group is designed not only to equip people in thinking through particular issues, but also to equip & develop the gifts of the women & men who attend. If you are a member of Grace Church and would like to lead, or help to lead, a session, do get in touch with Ash.