Plan for Summer Term 2022

Over the next few weeks the sermons are chopping and changing a bit, so we have decided that Grace Kids will take a pause from following along with the sermon passages, and instead will follow their own stream for 6 weeks.

We will be looking at the Lord’s prayer in Matthew 6v7-13, using some pre-prepared material which goes through it slowly, verse by verse, to help us understand what prayer is, why we pray, how we pray, and who we are praying to. The material will need to be adapted for the different age groups / children in your groups, but will hopefully give you more than enough to work with.

Don’t feel like you have to use everything – you won’t have enough time (esp Pathfinders, as you have 2 studies worth to choose from every week) – treat it like a buffet: pull out what will be helpful and make it your own. Do get in touch with Abi if it would be helpful to chat anything through.
Links for everything are below (let Abi know if they don’t work!):


24th April – Pray This Way Intro & Week 1

1st May – Pray This Way 2

8th May – Pray This Way 3

15th May – All Age: Away Day

22nd May – Pray This Way 4

29th May – Pray This Way 5

5th June – Pray This Way 6 & Pray This Way 7


24th April – Pray This Way Intro & Week 1

1st May – in sermon

8th May – Pray This Way 2Pray This Way 3

15th May – All Age: Away Day

22nd May – Pray This Way 4 & Pray This Way 5

29th May – in sermon

5th June – Pray This Way 6 & Pray This Way 7